1.  Purpose

Magic Training provides appropriate mechanisms and services for students to have complaints and appeals addressed fairly, efficiently and effectively. Magic Training will act on each substantiated complaint, concern or appeal. In doing so, Magic Training aims to ensure the ongoing provision of high quality Training Services, including training and assessment and robust administrative processes to support contract compliance and obligations.

2.  Scope

This policy applies to all current and prospective students.

3.  Definitions

Informal Complaint is where a student wishes to discuss an incident or concern but does not want to implement formal proceedings.

Formal Complaint consists of more serious concerns where evidence may be required.

4.  Policy Statement

Magic Training ensures that all students have access to a fair and equitable process for dealing with complaints or concerns and provides an avenue for students to appeal against such decisions which affect the student’s progress. Every effort is made by Magic Training to resolve the student’s complaint or concern. To this end, the Head of Training is the person to whom formal complaints or concerns are referred. At the time of enrolment the complaints, concerns procedure and appeals policy is outlined to students. Where a complaint or concern cannot be resolved internally, Magic Training provides an external independent person to hear the appeal or case.

5.  Policy Principles

  1. Students may raise any matters of concern relating to training delivery and assessment, the quality of the learning, student’s amenities, discrimination, sexual harassment and other issues that may arise.
  2. All prospective students are provided with a brochure that can be downloaded via Magic Training website.
  3. All complaints, concerns, or appeals are handled professionally and confidentially in order to achieve a satisfactory resolution.
  4. All parties will have a clear understanding of the steps involved in the complaints/concerns and appeals procedure. Students will be provided with details of the EQA they may approach, if required.
  5. All complaints or concerns and appeals are managed fairly and equitably and as efficiently as possible.
  6. All complaints or concerns and appeals and outcomes are documented in writing.
  7. Magic Training attempts to resolve any complaints, concerns and appeals fairly and equitably within 10 working days from receipt of notice of complaint.
  8. A student’s enrolment will not be affected by suspension or cancellation while the complaints and appeals process is being conducted.
  9. Students will be offered support to complete the Notice of Complaint, Concern, Appeal Form where required

5.1 Informal Complaint Process

An informal complaint process can be used where the concern is less serious and may not result in disciplinary action. It can take the form of a verbal conversation or written and it is anticipated that the concern can be dealt with quickly and easily. The student is advised to discuss concerns with their trainer, where appropriate, or make an appointment to discuss with the Head of Training. It is advisable for the student to contact the Head of Training before lodging a formal complaint, to discuss other avenues available to them.

Based on the conversation or written communication the Training Manager will endeavour to resolve the concern. In all cases the concern will be documented and recorded to ensure that Magic Training can continue to improve their systems and processes. In some circumstances it may be decided by either the Training Manager or the student that the concern cannot be resolved through an informal process and will be escalated to a Formal Complaint.

5.2 Formal Complaint Process

The formal complaint process usually relates to concerns, issues or complaints of a more serious nature. Formal complaints must always be submitted in writing and all steps of the process will be documented and can be sent to the regulator body.

5.3 Training-related matters

Students, who feel they may have been unfairly treated, may follow the procedures listed below:

  1. The student should firstly discuss the matter with their Assessor/Trainer (where appropriate). If they are not satisfied, the student may request to escalate the matter to the Training Manager for consideration by completing the Notice of Complaint, Concern and Appeal. This can be completed online or obtained from the assessor or centre directly.
  2. The Training Manager will contact the student within 48 hours to confirm receipt of form, discusses the circumstances with the relevant personnel, and makes a decision.
  3. The student is contacted within 10 working days to let the student know the decision that has been made. The student has 5 working days to respond to formal decision.
  4. The student may request a face to face meeting with the Head of Training to formally present his or her case in appeal of the decision of the Training Manager. Once this meeting has occurred, the Training Manager will respond in writing within 24 hours.
  5. A written statement of the appeal outcome, including reasons for the decision will be documented and provided to student.
  6. Where a complaint, concern, or appeal cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, Magic Training acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent agent to mediate between the parties. The student may also request for this.
  7. If the student is still dissatisfied with the outcome after Magic Training has engaged an independent agent, the student may lodge a complaint with the Awarding Body via the information on the documents provided or via the website.

5.4 Assessment-related matters

If the student has been advised that they are Not Yet Competent, but they believe that they genuinely do have the required degree of competency and that they have provided reasonable proof of this to Magic Training the student may query or appeal the result.

This process ensures that all students are fully satisfied with the fairness and accuracy of Magic Training assessment processes.

Note: Magic Training accepts an appeal against an assessment decision for a period of no longer than 2 weeks after the student receives notification of the assessment decision.

  1. Students can discuss the matter with the Instructor, Assessor or IQA. If not satisfied with the outcome of this discussion, the student may then request that the matter is referred to the Training Manager for consideration.
  2. The student must complete the Notice of Complaint Concern and Appeal Form and send this document to the Training Manager ensuring that sufficient details about themselves and the course are provided, including the circumstances surrounding the concern, complaint or appeal.
  3. The student provides an explanation of the reason/s why they feel the Not Yet Competent result is not appropriate, and also attaches a copy of the original Assessment Task. The Training Manager seeks an independent review of the Assessment Task and contacts student with the written result within 10 working days of receipt of appeal. The student has 5 working days to respond to decision.
  4. The student may request a face to face meeting with the Training Manager to formally present his or her case in appeal of the decision of Instructor/Assessor. Once this meeting has occurred, the Training Manager will respond formally within 24 hours.
  5. A written statement of the appeal outcome, including reasons for the decision is documented and provided to the student.
  6. Where a complaint, concern, or appeal cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, Magic Training acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent agent to mediate between the parties.
  7. Magic Training encourages the parties to approach a complaint with an open view and to attempt to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation.
  8. If the student is still dissatisfied with the outcome after Magic Training has engaged an independent agent, the student may lodge a complaint with the Awarding Body.

5.5   Records

Magic Training maintains records of all informal and formal discussions regarding complaints, concerns and appeals and records them for monitoring and tracking. Evidence of the complaint is filed in the student’s record.

6.  Person(s) Responsible

The Training Manager is responsible for the control of this policy and procedure and ensuring that all complaints are dealt with fairly, efficiently and effectively.


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